End The Cycle Of Self-Sabotage For Good.

Stop binge watching self improvement videos, and join a community that will push you to become your highest self.

Self-Improvement loneliness kills dreams.

You know when you’ve had those brief glimpses of who you could be and what your life could look like?

You visualize yourself having achieved financial freedom…

Or having a physique you worked hard for…

Or having the confidence to talk to anyone you meet…

But then… that voice inside your head kicks in.

And it makes up every excuse in the book about why you’ll never reach your potential.

“I’ll probably fail anyway.”

“This is too much for me.”

“I can’t do anything right.”

And worst of all…

I'm not good enough.

You wish you could stop feeling so lonely when dealing with these issues, and have the support you need to get through them.

But since you can’t find that, you decide to turn to…

You start by looking up some basic answers to your problems.

“How do I stop being depressed?”

“How can I be more confident in myself?”

“How do I make money online?”

“How to get rid of addictions”

And for a brief while, they sort of help. You finally get the motivation needed to take action, and do the things you’ve been putting off.

But when you don’t see the progress you want, you end up going on a self-improvement binge, thinking that “maybe just one more video” will finally solve your problems for good.

Doing this is like eating a bag of potato chips to get your recommended daily amount of potassium.

It might FEEL like it’s giving you the result you want, but it’s almost as bad as doomscrolling brainrot content on TikTok.

Self improvement videos aren’t inherently bad.

I’m a self-improvement YouTuber myself.

But endlessly watching self-improvement videos without taking action will only leave you exactly where you’ve always been.

This is what I like to call…

Self-Improvement Videos.

The Cycle Of Self-Stagnation.

  1. You feel negatively about yourself and don’t understand why.

  2. You try to look for answers in superficial articles, books and YouTube videos.

  3. You apply the advice, but the loneliness and lack of support discourages you from making real progress.

  4. You go back to who you’ve always been, and repeat.

Why does this happen?

Because most of the advice online lacks 3 crucial pieces to creating lasting change:

1. A community of inspiring, ambitious people who will hold you accountable and keep you on track.

(and I’m guessing you can’t talk to anyone about self-improvement in real life, right?)

2. A deeper look into the psychology behind your own subjective problems and where they come from.

3. Advice that you can actually apply, that will give you measurable feedback and results.

That’s where the Self Mastery School comes in.

Self Mastery School

Welcome to

An online school for self-improvement designed to end the cycle of self-stagnation.

Inside, you’ll get access to:


If you don’t yet have the self-respect to hold yourself accountable, you need to surround yourself with people who won’t settle for anything less than your best self. The school includes an exclusive community of driven people who will push you to grow in all areas of your life.

Multiple Courses and eBooks

Imagine a school that gave classes on self awareness, building better habits, making money online, becoming confident, and improving your critical thinking skills. In Self Mastery School, you will get access to full length courses on all of these topics, with worksheets provided in each video to apply what you’ve learned.

Science-Backed Steps

In the courses, I’m not going to give you random advice and tell you to “trust me bro”. The resources in the school are based on years of study in psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience.

Weekly Coaching Calls

Once a week, you will meet in a coaching call with Cole and the rest of the school to discuss new ideas, exchange advice, and get further accountability towards your goals.

All of this sounds great.

But what type of transformation can you expect when you join?

Here’s some results from our community:

Cesar C.

“When I first came into [the school], I had just gotten out of my first relationship. I was broken, constantly in this “doomsday” mentality. [The course] helped me deal with my inner demons. Walking out of this, I can see a huge spike in confidence. I find myself sitting down with strangers and having a conversation with them, and smiling and laughing. It’s been a completely different world since we finished.”

Evan H.

“[Before the school] I had social anxiety/trouble talking to people, and my self confidence was not where I wanted it to be. The concepts in the course really helped me fully embrace this new me. Now, I just go up to people and say whatever I feel, because I have a new level of self worth. I love the life that I’m living now.

Gavin P.

“There were a bunch of things I wanted to use this course for getting better at. But the most basic ones were fitness, discipline, and eating better. [After being in the school], I’m much healthier, I feel better most days, and I don’t eat as much ice cream….I feel much more confident and relaxed.”

Mitch Z.

“The school helped me address and come to terms with issues I’ve unconsciously dealt with. I was able to bring them to the forefront with help from this course (and the people in it, most importantly). It’s helped me chart out my course for the future.

Are you ready to join them?

Let me introduce myself…

Hey, I’m

Cole Hastings

I’m a video creator, entrepreneur, and author who has been studying the realms of self improvement and psychology for over 7 years.

But for the first 20 years of my life, I was stuck in a cycle of self-stagnation.

Every morning, I’d wake up and question my reason for existing.

I had interests, but nothing I was particularly good at.

I had some friends, but never felt like I was confident enough to be well-respected.

And I would go through the motions of life, unaware of what motivated my negative behaviors and low self-worth.

Between the many classes I failed in high school, the countless nights I stayed up playing video games to distract myself from my existential dread, and my complete lack of energy and vigor, I was convinced that my life would be nothing more than painfully average.

This was me at one of my lowest points, while I was on vacation with my family in New York City at age 15.

But amidst all the self pity and depression…

I came across the world of


And the promises that came with it immediately enticed me.

I tried implementing some solid habits, like going to the gym consistently, sleeping 8 hours a night, and telling myself daily affirmations.

And it kind of helped.

But there was always something missing that would make them impossible to stick with…

And my inner critic continued to torment my existence.

It wasn’t until I had two massive changes to my routine, that I finally started to see lasting change.

What were those changes?

1. I began networking with others who were already where I wanted to be.

2. I stopped watching self-improvement videos almost entirely, and only focused on taking action.

Through that process:

I created a successful business online

I became truly confident with anyone I met

I gained 30 pounds of muscle

My ability to heal from painful situations improved exponentially

And I went back to that same spot in New York City 10 years later to take this picture and prove to myself just how far I’ve come.

It took me years to create the community and resources needed to become my greatest version.

And you can have access to it all with just a few clicks.

Are you ready to join me on the path to self mastery?

Here’s what other members had to say about the school:

The school provided me structure for adding in new habits, and most of all, helped me develop a mindset that prioritizes my own self worth and happiness.

The self mastery community played a major role in the success of this course. To be able to know that others are on the same journey as you are is very motivating, and there is a sense of accountability. Even though we are all different people with different backgrounds and circumstances, we all struggle with very similar things.”

- Evan H.

“You will become a different and better person after joining.

“The [school] helped me address and come to terms with issues I’ve dealt with.

With a [community] like this, it really helps open your eyes to different options, it gives you some ideas to ponder over, helps you think through the big stuff….philosophy, how to live your life, mindfulness, [etc.]

You can never really underestimate the human element. I think it was a big deal to be able to interact with people directly.

Especially with a community like this you’re going to find some interesting people to be able to bounce ideas off of….to help you figure out similar goals.

- Mitch Z.

I knew quite a bit about myself prior to [joining], but the tools, prompts, and ideas created opportunities….it gave me greater insight into what components or methods could go into becoming something new.

Coming from a clinical perspective; treatments and protocols can often seem and feel very devoid of humanity….it has allowed me to think more positively and unconventionally about psychological well-being and self development.

[In terms of the community,] seeing a common interest shared with others, despite differences, has been revitalizing….being in a dedicated and goal-oriented, goal-specific community can go a long way.”

- Paul H.

“I’m continuously impressed and excited.

Ready to join us?

Self Mastery School

is perfect for you if:

You don’t understand the deeper reasoning behind your negative behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs (and you want to change that)

You’re tired of letting life control you and push you around: You want to take control of your own life.

You want to learn to accept all parts of yourself (even the parts you don't like) and stop being insecure

You want to learn how to think for yourself, and stop letting other people think for you

You want to become financially, mentally, physically, and spiritually fulfilled.

You are willing to put in months (or potentially years) of effort to see the lasting positive change you want in your life

You want to join an exclusive community of like-minded members who support each other and hold one another accountable

Self Mastery School

is NOT perfect for you if:

✘ You already know why you act and behave the way you do, and don’t care enough to change

✘ You want a quick fix, life hack, or instant results

✘ You’re looking for 1 on 1 support from a coach or therapist

In that case,


  • If you’ve been watching my YouTube for a while, you’ll know that I love to tell stories. Much of my videos involve storytelling that appeals to the YouTube algorithm, without giving you the real nitty gritty details of the lesson.

    Here’s how I’ve intentionally made the school different:

    With this school, I have no algorithm to appeal to. Every video and resource is nothing but detailed information, and with that, I am able to dive deeper into the science and psychology behind your current self destructive lifestyle.

    It’s a concise, easy to follow roadmap through your entire self. Unlike a YouTube video (which can only pack so much information at a time), this gives you multiple resources you can learn at your own pace.

    I’ve also given you immediately applicable advice, with at least one worksheet associated with each video. That way, you’re not stuck in a false sense of productivity, binge watching YouTube videos that you don’t actually apply.

    And of course, the exclusive self mastery community. With the community, you can stay on track, ask questions, explore more info related to the course topics, and find like minded people to hold you accountable (including myself).

  • Because I know there will always be new people discovering self-improvement, who will discover my videos during the early stages in their journey. But I know a lot of my subscribers have outgrown the “binge-watching” stage, and are looking for something more. That’s what this school is for. I love what I do, and I have no doubt it benefits people, but eventually, you have to start applying these mindsets and tools to real life. Self Mastery School will allow you to do that.

  • No, this school is not like therapy or 1 on 1 coaching. The group coaching calIs may be similar to group therapy, but not in a professional setting. you are in need of immediate, professional help, please see a licensed therapist or psychologist.

  • After you finish paying, you will receive an email to join the platform “Skool”, which is where the Self Mastery School (and all it’s resources) is hosted on.

  • I’m going to be completely honest. If you don’t actually show up in the community, attend the calls, and apply the course materials, it won’t. It’s going to take a lot of work on your end. All I can do is give you the tools you need to succeed.

    But if you know you can hold yourself to that standard (with the help of our community), I have zero doubts that you’ll experience a significant change in your life.

  • Send them over to cole@seasonedtofu.com and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

It’s time for the change you’ve been seeking.